Active Capital Company

Year founded


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Company industry

  • Private Equity

M&A expertise

  • Private Equity Management

Industry expertise

  • Industrial & Chemicals
  • Manufacturing
Company background

Active Capital Company is an independent hands-on investment company with a focus on Dutch and German SMEs. ACC invests in production companies, machine builders and technical wholesalers/distributors with turnover between €10 million and €100 million. Through its enterprising and active approach, ACC maximizes the long-term value of its investments by supporting management teams in the hands-on realization of value-adding projects. Active Capital Company is very active within its portfolio companies and team members sometimes work in the companies up to four days a week. ACC is currently investing from its new Fund IV with a size of €85 million, made available by institutional investors as well as entrepreneurs.

Investment focus: -

Investment terms: 4 to 8 years

Average equity ticket: €2-10 million

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